
Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The Good Guy

I have a simple way for judging people. Its so simple and easy and unnoticed sometimes that I my self get carried away into it.

Simply invite them to do something bad. Something wicked and really naughty. You will notice that there are some who instantly agree with a big smile on their faces. These are the habitual one's in search of more companions to commit something real bad. They enjoy sin, and they have been doing that a lot very efficiently that no hardly ever noticed.

Then you will find the one's who smile at you on your invitation or in decent proposal and say "I did'nt know you were this bad". and they show you a bit a resistance may be more than you were expecting but finally the join. These are the hypocritical one's.  They look like they are against naughty bad things they talk to others in a very negative tone about bad ideas and tell them ho bitterly against they are.

The third type are the plain refusal. The refuse all the bad ideas just like that and walk away leaving you flushed and humiliated and you are just impressed and sure of their daring faith in good. You even tell your self that world still exists due to these type of good personalities and you turn your back to get out of their sight not being able to face them and suddenly you feel a firm grip around your arm and a strong voice of the same person asking you when how and where do you want it.:) They just need to see the quality of your invitation to accept or refuse. They have been in this long enough to only for quality stuff.

So all I need to say is that in this bunch the only good guy is the one who didn't get a chance yet. You might have just never noticed anything wrong in some people and you might be wondering what could possibly be wrong or go wrong but you are mistaken. Just because you never expected and never noticed. Just need to keep an eye and an expectation and the real side would come out.

The most difficult things to do in the world are Saying no or refuseing, and Quitting.
Saying no to an offer when you dont feel like it, saying no to something that hurts…saying no to what is against your principles or terms.
And quitting or cutting out on whats dear and near to you and gone rotten..:) Quitting a Habit or addiction. Quitting self created norms …. looking out of the boundaries and stretching them ..:)
So you don't need to worry. No one will ever say no to your invitation to a sin.

Monday, 16 July 2012

What do we need?

I heard that when Alexander returned to see his Mentor his Teacher, Aristotle after conquering the world, almost, he asked his educator, who was sitting on the edge of a rock near the sea indulged in his thoughts, " O Great Teacher I have conquered almost all the world and my wish is to do some thing for you. The Great Philosopher said after along pause, "Just get aside lad you are blocking sunlight for me". This is all what he wanted from his pupil.

The greatest most essential and precious things in our life are for free. Things like Air, Water Sunlight and Relations like brothers sisters mom dad are free, and we still have the greed to wear the best , eat the best drive the best and so on.

Just think of someone really special in your life for once then tell me something. Is that person special due to the looks? or Power? or Money? Fame? or because this person drives the best car? or owns a beautiful luxuries house?

Does any of those thing make this person special for you? I know what really makes someone special and you would agree that there are priceless things that matter, things that you get for free things like Care, loyalty dedication intelligence manners and love.

But we run after fame after money and power while we know we don't really become special in anybody's eyes with all these things around us.

These things, the temporary things are just to impress for the time being. Or I should say just the worldly entrapment. But when you really get exposed nothing else matters if you don't have the price less free attributes.

We live in a Matrix created by God. I apologies to those who have not been able to see the famous Movie that clears up the concept of a Matrix.

We think we are real and everything around us is real. But actually the only things real, that would accompany us to reality, are those fine attributes that make us a human. Human's that have been awarded to be the best of creatures by their Creator himself.

Just once stand in front of the mirror in the morning and look at your self asking, why am I the best of all creatures? Why my creator has so much trust in me, as a human, that he declares me the best of all creatures. What is it that I don't see or may be my creator has over expected from me? (which I believe is impossible). Then why? what do I really need?

Why do we run after all those artificial impermanent things and do not realize what we really need. Whom are we trying to pamper? and for how long? In every human's life there comes a time when he actually realizes whats real and whats his real reason of being here in the world. Its only a matter of time, some realize early some realize when its time to leave. But everyone does.

I wonder how busy we are that we don't even have time for family, faith, country and nation. I wish we can also ask death to come back later cause we are too busy to die.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

The Stupid Machine

Its been said that a Book is a best friend. I think my best buddy is my PC. The reason is not just the technology update or access to the the world is more than just a book. The reason is the feeling of control, not just the feeling of complete honesty and the feeling of error free environment is so wonderful with PC in your possession. The same feeling is with all those gadgets and machines that are called stupid as the don't know a lots of things that humans do.

I get so much carried away with these feelings that I start wondering how wonderful life would be if we could ever have the same control and liberty over everything just the way on a Computer.

Imagine being able to Undo things in life, a regret free life. Imagine being able to redo things and do everything you love again again and again.

How wonderful life would be if we could cut paste and even copy paste things form other people's life.   Take away what you want and duplicate or copy anything you want whenever you want WOW.

Another amazing feature in our life would be when we could delete anything form our lives. Delete your unwanted memories, delete your unwanted things and the most lovelies of all delete your unwanted people.

Editing and updating would have a whole new meaning. But the best of all and my favorite one's are the Escape button and Restart.

WOW just let yourself loose in the feeling of being able to escape form every situation and then if you are not happy just restart your life.

Imagine being able to escape a yelling wife. Imagine being able to escape your lousy boss. The feeling of being trapped in a bunch of idiots where you have to pose like a very considerate passionate and attentive personality and unable to pass time and you look at your watch, carefully avoiding other people's eyes so that they cant notice you are getting pissed of and extremely bored with the situation. Then suddenly you realize you have an escape button and you press that..

Imagine when you are really stressed or entangled in your thoughts thinking about some thing really important and then your wife or girl friend comes over and looks at you and asks whats are you thinking about and you say " Nothing" as you don't have anything that she can solve for you and you don't want to burden her tiny mind with it and her face frowns and she says " what is it that you don't want to tell me?. You would try to find a million excuses and even let her know what you were actually thinking about. But she is absolutely sure there is another Girl. What do you feel at that time? How about a restart button?:) May be an UNDO button would also work at this time but REDO button is definitely out of question.

Here I do not mean that only men need a restart button. Girls do need an escape may be a lot more than men in many cases. Escape from staring eyes, escape from those pinching words that they hear moving around in their routine life. Not only that, they also need the restart button when they have a mother in law in to ruin their lives. Even a good for nothing husband that keeps on boasting and talking, always imposing and forcing himself over them only because by freak of nature he happens to be a husband.

So guys we all need this Stupid Machine Called a Computer with all its controls working on our lives.

They say Happiness is not in having what you want. Its wanting what you have. But I say happiness is when you have all the control on your keyboard working on your life.