An interesting post on social media this morning triggered a thought about the difference between a fighter jet pilot and a Commercial flight pilot, it said:
I wonder why we assume that a Fighter Jet Pilot is so dumb about the auto pilot facility or the difference between a jet airplane and a commercial flight. I don’t think this a case of a job that resonates with you or a choice for a career.
It is a case of introducing yourself to a better or higher taste as you get wiser and mature. I think there is nothing good or bad, right or wrong in this world, only our thinking makes it so. The higher thoughts we have the wiser we get. We understand the secrets of tastes of those things that look boring at younger less mature age. It goes with the taste of music, art and even the taste of your dresses and the way you like to travel.
No wonder everyone has a different scenario, perks and benefits as well as importance of the job. But there is a big difference between doing it voluntarily and doing it for money. There is also a difference between the two persons in the same profession, from different areas of service getting together on a certain platform, where contributions, services and support is required, voluntarily for a noble cause and if at that platform where a selfless volunteer is needed. A man working only for money cannot understand what it means working for the people and working for a cause is. Sometimes, age is not the reason for maturity and higher tastes. As most of the people just grow old instead of growing up.
It is said that if you need to be highly successful, take up a cause, write a book or fall in love. It is all creativity. A Cause that requires leadership skills, to understand real growth. It is when everyone grows with you, all together, not only you. Leadership requires creativity and unfortunately, for most people, creativity gets killed very early at school their level.
Creativity survives in those people only, with a strong leadership background and support. But for the rest of them, all that is left are the distorted, deformed or I would say unwise, immature concepts about social values and soft skills. They understand only what was being taught to them subliminally at their schools, colleges and universities. Making them get below the line of real understanding, wisdom and maturity. Training them to be great servants, followers and slaves that requires inferior tastes of the delicacies and value of life. Making them go after small immature priorities of life. Well trained with these meanings of values:
Discipline means wearing a uniform, getting ready in time for the drill and reaching right on time for the lessons and leaving right on the dot for the next lesson in cue making no noise or gestures.
While discipline actually means, being well prepared, organized and ready for the quest to achieve your goals in life. Gaining the right knowledge and insight for setting up directions according to ways of those successful ones ahead of you. You don’t need to put all your attention for being right on the dot in a clean well pressed uniform following orders in cue for that. That way you forget you goals and become an obedient servant and a follower only when your ambitions, enthusiasm and questions are ignored and crushed.
Freedom means you are a free man to do whatever you like and no one has a right to stop you. When actually it means your right to do the right thing.
Respect means only self-respect. You can call anyone with any name and disrespect them in the name of your right free freedom of speech or may be straight forwardness.
Earning means earning money only. Not earning prayers of others for you.
‘‘An Airbus 380 is on its way across Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800km/h in 30,000 ft. when suddenly a Eurofighter jet appears. The pilot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Airbus and greets the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: ‘Airbus flight, a boring flight isn't it? Take care and have a look here’ He rolls his jet on his back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to height, only to stoop down almost to sea level. He loops back next to Airbus and ask ‘Well, how was that?’ The Airbus pilot answers: ‘Very impressive, but now have a look here!’ The jet pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens. It continues to fly stubbornly straight, at the same speed. After 5 minutes, the Airbus pilot radioed ‘Well, what are you saying now?’ The jet pilot asks confused: ‘What did you do?’ The other laughs and says, ‘I got up, stretched by legs, went to back of the flight to bathroom, got a cup of coffee & a cinnamon cake. All jobs are great! One needs to see which job resonates with you. If you are high on adrenaline, fighter jet might be your choice, but if you want comfort and peace, Airbus is the one!’’
I wonder why we assume that a Fighter Jet Pilot is so dumb about the auto pilot facility or the difference between a jet airplane and a commercial flight. I don’t think this a case of a job that resonates with you or a choice for a career.
It is a case of introducing yourself to a better or higher taste as you get wiser and mature. I think there is nothing good or bad, right or wrong in this world, only our thinking makes it so. The higher thoughts we have the wiser we get. We understand the secrets of tastes of those things that look boring at younger less mature age. It goes with the taste of music, art and even the taste of your dresses and the way you like to travel.
No wonder everyone has a different scenario, perks and benefits as well as importance of the job. But there is a big difference between doing it voluntarily and doing it for money. There is also a difference between the two persons in the same profession, from different areas of service getting together on a certain platform, where contributions, services and support is required, voluntarily for a noble cause and if at that platform where a selfless volunteer is needed. A man working only for money cannot understand what it means working for the people and working for a cause is. Sometimes, age is not the reason for maturity and higher tastes. As most of the people just grow old instead of growing up.
It is said that if you need to be highly successful, take up a cause, write a book or fall in love. It is all creativity. A Cause that requires leadership skills, to understand real growth. It is when everyone grows with you, all together, not only you. Leadership requires creativity and unfortunately, for most people, creativity gets killed very early at school their level.
Creativity survives in those people only, with a strong leadership background and support. But for the rest of them, all that is left are the distorted, deformed or I would say unwise, immature concepts about social values and soft skills. They understand only what was being taught to them subliminally at their schools, colleges and universities. Making them get below the line of real understanding, wisdom and maturity. Training them to be great servants, followers and slaves that requires inferior tastes of the delicacies and value of life. Making them go after small immature priorities of life. Well trained with these meanings of values:
Discipline means wearing a uniform, getting ready in time for the drill and reaching right on time for the lessons and leaving right on the dot for the next lesson in cue making no noise or gestures.
While discipline actually means, being well prepared, organized and ready for the quest to achieve your goals in life. Gaining the right knowledge and insight for setting up directions according to ways of those successful ones ahead of you. You don’t need to put all your attention for being right on the dot in a clean well pressed uniform following orders in cue for that. That way you forget you goals and become an obedient servant and a follower only when your ambitions, enthusiasm and questions are ignored and crushed.
Freedom means you are a free man to do whatever you like and no one has a right to stop you. When actually it means your right to do the right thing.
Respect means only self-respect. You can call anyone with any name and disrespect them in the name of your right free freedom of speech or may be straight forwardness.
Earning means earning money only. Not earning prayers of others for you.
Love means, getting love, respect tolerance, care and attention from others no matter how and what it takes. Not earning it, never trying to give it first selflessly, because you are told from early stage that you are special, take care of yourself only and stay away from strangers. Be very careful about trusting other specially the ones around you related to you or close to your trying to get closer.
But you can always trust a shopkeeper, a bus driver or a pilot to take you to your required destination. Even if you don’t know him there is no need to check his eyesight, licence or a permit.
Never feel ashamed and always avoid those, trying to point out your shortcomings, flaws and your faults. They are just taunting you. Stay away from criticism but always call it a healthy thing for others. Stay away from tough questions and tough life. Always find comforts, safe heavens and luxuries for yourself in the name of progress, development and protection.
But I don’t call it wrong or bad at all. I call it lack of wisdom and maturity. Just the way when a child does something wrong or bad you call it lack of understanding and knowledge and you just ignore that and advise other people with lesser understanding to take it easy and say ‘ Take it easy, it is only a matter of time when he understands what actually good and what’s not.’
I think people get the understanding of wisdom and maturity when they go through several experiences in life about something. There is no shortcut to experience yes but there is a better way that requires development of taste of associating with the people ahead in life. Observing, absorbing the way they live. Following exactly the way they do it, duplicating copying those ways just the way we learn a recipe from a chef. We do sometimes improvise it according to our taste and flare but we do not replace everything, just to enhance its flavor.
We need to think deeper why, we only replicate a chef for a recipe? Why don’t we copy and replicate wiser, mutterer and highly successful people, when we know that learning from our own mistakes is good, but it is better to learn from other people mistakes and it is best to learn from the success of the great people?