
Saturday, 18 February 2017

Worries & Success

The secret behind becoming a successful is not going to a great college or wearing branded clothes or having a classy car to drive or learning the ways to earn more money. If you fancy those great people and feel like becoming like them try to get closer to them. If you have a 4 figure income and you wish to have 5 or 6 figure income like those who earn more than you, do try to get closer to them, stay in their company spend time close to them.

It is a proven fact that humans absorb and emit tendencies and habits. You learn and adopt habits abilities and thinking of your friends and relatives and gradually begin to look like them. A man is known by the company he keeps. If you wish to become a great person you must spend time with great people. No matter whom you consider as a great personality.

Normally we tend to send requests, applications or requirements to the ones we consider bigger and greater than us. We don't know what they worry about and how big a great man's worries are. To become a great man you must have greater and bigger things to worry about instead of petty little things like next months bills or tuition fee or things like that. Bigger greater worries occupy bigger space in your heart and only one or two of them flush away these little things to worry about and you have a clearer happier mind and heart with only one of two things to worry about. The greater your worry is, the greater you are.

Just need to change your social circle get out of that circle of similar looking wana be(s)

So whenever you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is raise your standards about people and things around you. What really substituted my life is the change I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things and people, I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things I aspired to becoming.

Just think about the social circle around you. How many of them you find optimists? Positive thinkers with an optimistic approach towards life who always take it easy and believe in good and always look towards the good side of things and people. If the total percentage of the these people is lesser than the pessimists and toxic ones on your social circle it means you belong to the pessimist side. Large majority of negative thinkers around you is your own choice and that's making you feel the same way they think and feel.

You must start believing that's not your circle and quit the company and look towards those few with positive approach and upgrade your standards. They may be very small in number but if you are positive thinker an optimist, that's your social circle. Always surround yourself with these positive people giving you positive vibes. They will help you grow up, instead of growing old only. Believe me when you start growing up the growing old process slows down. Our negative, optimistic thought and approaches bring wrinkles on our skin. Makes us feel torn, weak and old.

Be a good friend of yourself and choose good for yourself. Otherwise you would become your own worst enemy. That's very likely when you are surrounded by toxic people with pessimist thinking emitting negative vibes.