
Saturday, 20 February 2016

Misconceptions about Business

Today's businessman  hires people to serve as his employees in other words slaves, to fulfil his own dreams and work according to his idea of business.  To make more and more money. In return, he is only liable to pay them back a meagre amount of cash or some fringe benefits which is no match to what he earns in exchange to the hard work, brains, commitment, loyalty, sincerity and care and the profit being made with all that handwork , commitment , loyalty and care invested by those employees.

Has any of the today's so called business owners ever thought of returning the favour as shares in his business, or paying equally according to the value of that hard work brains loyalty care dedication commitment and care?

Has he ever looked at his employees as his business partners, with an equal share of the turn over?

A business owners demands complete dedication, hard work and all the other above mentioned soft skills as prerequisites form his work force. But when it comes to returning the favour, how much does he return?

Most of these so called business owners don't even bother returning the favour as an appreciation, encouragement, care and respect, equal to what they themselves expect from their employees.

This is not business, this is exploitation. We can not expect a return of equal favour from someone who uses several misleading strategies for the customers too.

Misleading, persuading and pushing them into buying things they don't even need sometimes, or at least   they do not need those things, as much as those things are being advertised or promoted.

Because almost all the companies focus mainly on marketing, advertising and presentation that also includes packaging. This is mostly a lot more than the actual product, its quality and quantity.

The main focus stays on its misleading advertising, marketing and presentation and almost no manufacturer cares even about the fair product quality and its quantity as well as it's after sales service and  customer support, which is most of times not according to what is being claimed and proclaimed in its marketing and advertising campaigns. They still call this marketing, advertising and business development strategy, which is in actual sense just an exploitation and a fraud.

Even if a manufacturer or service provider keeps his promises and his claims that he proclaims in his marketing and advertising campaign, which actually consumes the major part of the manufacturing cost in the name of marketing budget, he spends heck of lot on product presentation and packaging.

The actual or main ingredient in that product costs only 25% to 30% of the total price being charged.

Sometimes a lot lesser than the actual cost that includes the attractive packaging, marketing and advertisement costs that a customer pays happily. Which is in fact completely useless for the customer.

Most of us are unaware of this fact, that we are being forced or fooled to pay for what we see on television news papers and even on flashy billboards and neon signs and packaging of the product we buy.

In addition to all that, a customer is also indirectly paying for all the manufacturing cost, lavish offices and salaries as well as direct taxes imposed on the company which is directly proportional to the size and expenses being made in the name of working environment and facilities.

This poor guy called the consumer. is deceived with all that flashy stuff in  those advertising and marketing campaigns and  that extremely attractive packaging.  Most of the times, he never even notices what he is made to pay for, still liable for all those indirect taxes he still needs to pay as well.

And today's so called " businessman" does not stop here. These innocent looking. low level, almost undetectable frauds called marketing campaigns and business strategies go further  than that, when he uses the same tool called the "media" for making the consumers feel like buying more.

He reached deeper into  the human psychology by investing more. Not only creating subliminal advertising and messages, but also creating TV shows, dramas and  movies that triggers the urge to buy more and get into the race of having more than the others have. Not even that,  but also feel threatened, insecure with that a wave after wave of exciting, upsetting and disturbing news as well as explicit scenarios, information and announcement and the customers are bombarded constantly with those carefully planned streams of misleading information and news with half the truth. They carefully keep this bombardment continuous and loud, making sure no consumer is able to listen to the real thing, real information, real knowledge and wisdom and the real purpose of his existence.

And if this doesn't seem enough an artificial environment is created around the customer. Full of thrill, crime, violence and  insecurity by investing into hate speech specialists, professional arsenals and so called motivational writers and well informed journalists who always keep yelling over the faults, weaknesses, violence and crimes in the name of exposing the "truth" called open wide exposed truth. But only the bitter truth, never a sweet truth or a good one.Never letting the consumer attention divert towards all the beauty, serenity, kindness, goodness and development in the society.

Is there no other truth available to be promoted transmitted and spread around on the media? Other than things like we see on TV, newspapers, social media and most of the printed material available to read including the text books?

This results into a very insecure, weak and cowardly mind sets in a society. Unable to notice the true sense of life. Unable to dream and recognise passion and happiness which is  actually not having what you want, but wanting and cherishing what you already have.

What people, the actual customers are being told subliminally is something opposite from becoming a leader. It is to become a slave worker and surrender their own dreams and work for the capitalists dreams and keep spending on products 3 times more than their actual cost. Keep running after the life styles being shown and projected  repeatedly in the name of those so called success stories of so called successful people on TV shows and movies, exhibiting lavish life styles as subliminal messages of success power and security which in fact always remains out of reach of the poor souls being mentally hijacked by this policy and agenda.

Hijacked so much that they are not left thoughtful enough  with anything to think of as a refuge or destiny and  faith. Their beliefs are transformed into making money and running after the pleasure and leisure of life in the name of freedom and liberalism by indirect subliminal attacks over their actual and pure faith and also on their beliefs by showing them so called reality shows, dramas, movies and lots of additional stuff like that, directly or by subliminal messages against their faith and religious believes to make them hate and rebel form their own faith.

How can we expect this from a so called business man to be generous enough to have a workforce as his business partners with an equal treatment and respect? How can a man portraying and pretending himself as a leader believe in the phenomena of  a true leaderships that says "True Leader is the one who knows that his growth and success is actually is in the growth and success of his team''.

There is the way out. If anyone is willing to think out of the box and try to understand what the word "Business" really means in it's true sense. I am here to explain.