
Friday, 23 December 2016

Narain Shiv ji

Narain Shiv Ji might not be aware about what I am trying to say about him. After almost decades it looks like a fading memory of a man that was unusually mannered unexpectedly knowledgeable and had a flare of keeping up to the values like commitment, loyalty, dedication and integrity.

It was very unusual to see someone working in federal govt department branch office as a cleaning and washing in-charge with these unique characteristics for me and I had a feeling of respect and appreciation for a man with values in those days.

Unfortunately people took him like just another janitor or a cleaning man and treated him the way a janitor is treated here in the society.  They kept their safe distance and never dared sharing a meal or tea, even shaking hands was not acceptable.

I used to wonder why we still cant discover the real meaning of life and humanity in this century and I used to laugh at their behavior towards this man.

I was an early bird in the office and arrived at the time when Narain was sweeping the office and the air was filled with dust. I just walked past that dust quietly, never letting Narian know I am there and went inside my room and stayed there till Narian finished  and sweeping and the moping the floor.

One day he asked me after finishing his morning job, when did I come into my room as it was all full of dust and no one dared walking past into the office during the cleaning time. I said I walked passed him earlier but he was busy and I didn't want to disturb him and he was shocked. He said everyone asks him to stop for a while so that they can walk past him into the office but only I was the one who never told him to stop. It was never a problem form me to do that everyday. But Narain was surprised and when I stood up hugged him and shook his hand and asked him to sit on the chair he was overwhelmed. He told me with his teary eyes that it never happened to him in last 30 years of his job. No one even want him to sit on the chair and no one ever stayed close and long enough to talk to him about him and his life.

After talking to him for a while I discovered that I found a man with dignity and integrity holding on to the typical sub continent cultural values and traditions like my own forefathers. Afterwards I used to sit with Narain Shiv Ji during my free time at work and after working hours. Learning those traditional ethics and family values, respect of elders and relationships. How they transferred those wonderful values of life heart from heart and sat down with their children on regular basis telling them stories of their elders and ancestors, letting them know who they were and how they used to cope with life. They gradually made their offspring learn those moral values and manners along with the family trade. No one was looking for work after growing up to the age where a man is required to be making a living for himself and the family because they learned the trick of those values like commitment dedication time management loyalty and justice from their forefathers true stories and learned how to become a great professional as well and joined family trade from an early age.

Rest of the people at our work place were surprised first, when we sat down on the floor, talking and sometimes in the backyard grass for hours sipping tea. Sometimes we shared meal as well and gradually others started joining us in our conversation.

They disagreed with the concept that there was no need for the education in schools, colleges and universities specially for the purpose of becoming a money making machine.

The real purpose of this education system, as Narain Shiv Ji would say, was to create workers and slaves. With the mind set of getting up at specific time and learning the ways of having a well controlled and harnessed time schedule bound environment that would also influence their minds to believe that they are born to be employees of the imperial lords. They must learn the ways to please them and they must adopt their ways of life and stay under their commend and understand that they are nothing without their imperial lords.

I, however discovered the truth later with more research on the concept authenticated by  Alvin and Heidi Toffler , world-renowned futurists, whose work foreshadowed the sweeping effects of rapid technology development on people, businesses, and governments.

The Tofflers are known widely for their global bestsellers, including Future Shock, The Third Wave and Powershift, all of which have been translated into dozens of languages.

Alvin loves to speak about the education system that is shaping the hearts and minds of our generations from a long time now. When he was asked,

You've been writing about our educational system for decades. What's the most pressing need in public education right now?
He said: Shut down the public education system. 
That's Sounds pretty radical.
I'm roughly quoting Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who said, "We don't need to reform the system; we need to replace the system."

Why not just readjust what we have in place now? Do we really need to start from the ground up?

However, we first have to understand how we got the education system that we now have. Teachers are wonderful, and there are hundreds of thousands of them who are creative and terrific, but they are operating in a system that is completely out of time. It is a system designed to produce industrial workers.

Let's look back at the history of public education in the United States. You have to go back a little over a century. For many years, there was a debate about whether we should even have public education. Some parents wanted kids to go to school and get an education; others said, "We can't afford that. We need them to work. They have to work in the field, because otherwise we starve." There was a big debate. The same debate we still have here in our region.

Late in the 1800s, during the Industrial Revolution, business leaders began complaining about all these rural kids who were pouring into the cities and going to work in our factories. Business leaders said that these kids were no good, and that what they needed was an educational system that would produce "industrial discipline."

What is industrial discipline?
Well, first of all, you've got to show up on time. Out in the fields, on the farms, if you go out with your family to pick a crop, and you come ten minutes late, your uncle covers for you and it's no big deal. But if you're on an assembly line and you're late, you mess up the work of 10,000 people down the line. Very expensive. So punctuality suddenly becomes important.

You don't want to be tardy.
Yes. In school, bells ring and you mustn't be tardy. And you march from class to class when the bells ring again. And many people take a yellow bus to school. What is the yellow bus? A preparation for commuting. And you do rote and repetitive work as you would do on an assembly line.

Answering the next question:

How does that system fit into a world where assembly lines have gone away?
Alvin Said:
It doesn't. The public school system is designed to produce a workforce for an economy that will not be there. And therefore, with all the best intentions in the world, we're stealing the kids' future.

Do I have all the answers for how to replace it? No. But it seems to me that before we can get serious about creating an appropriate education system for the world that's coming and that these kids will have to operate within, we have to ask some really fundamental questions.

And some of these questions are scary. For example: Should education be compulsory? And, if so, for who? Why does everybody have to start at age five? Maybe some kids should start at age eight and work fast. Or vice versa. Why is everything massified in the system, rather than individualized in the system? New technologies make possible customization in a way that the old system -- everybody reading the same textbook at the same time -- did not offer.

We are talking about customizing the educational experience. Any form of diversity that we can introduce into the schools is a plus. Today, we have a big controversy about all the charter schools that are springing up. The school system people hate them because they're taking money from them. I say we should radically multiply charter schools, because they begin to provide a degree of diversity in the system that has not been present. At least diversify the system if you are not ready to replace of shut it down for good.

In our book Revolutionary Wealth, we play a game. We say, imagine that you're a policeman, and you've got a radar gun, and you're measuring the speed of cars going by. Each car represents an American institution. The first one car is going by at 100 miles per hour. It's called business. Businesses have to change at 100 miles per hour because if they don't, they die. Competition just puts them out of the game. So they're traveling very, very fast.

Then comes another car. And it's going 10 miles per hour. That's the public education system. Schools are supposed to be preparing kids for the business world of tomorrow, to take jobs, to make our economy functional. The schools are changing, if anything, at 10 miles per hour. So, how do you match an economy that requires 100 miles per hour with an institution like public education? A system that changes, if at all, at 10 miles per hour?

It is tough very difficult to replace, teachers who are good and well intentioned and smart, but they can't try new things, because there are too many rules. They say that "the bureaucratic rules make it impossible to do what you're suggesting for the education system revamp.

So, how do we bust up that?

It is easy to develop the world's best technologies compared with how hard it is to bust up a big bureaucracy like the public education system with the enormous numbers of jobs dependent on it and industries that feed it.

We spend a lot of money on education, so why isn't all that money having a better result?

It's because we're doing the same thing over and over again. We're holding millions of kids prisoner for x hours a week. And the teacher is given a set of rules as to what you're going to say to the students, how you're going to treat them, what you want the output to be, and let no child be left behind. But there's a very narrow set of outcomes. I think you have to open the system to new ideas.

So, that's another thing: Much of what we're transmitting is doomed to obsolescence at a far more rapid rate than ever before. And that knowledge becomes what we call obsoledge: obsolete knowledge. We have this enormous bank of obsolete knowledge in our heads, in our books, and in our culture. When change was slower, obsoledge didn't pile up as quickly. Now, because everything is in rapid change, the amount of obsolete knowledge that we have -- and that we teach -- is greater and greater and greater. We're drowning in obsolete information. We make big decisions -- personal decisions -- based on it, and public and political decisions based on it.

The idea of a textbook in the classroom is obsolete
I'm a wordsmith. I write and I love books. So I don't want to be an accomplice to their death. But clearly, they're not enough. The textbooks are the same for every child; every child gets the same textbook. Why should that be? Why shouldn't some kids get a textbook -- and you can do this online a lot more easily than you can in print -- why shouldn't a kid who's interested in one particular thing, whether it's painting or drama, or this or that, get a different version of the textbook than the kid sitting in the next seat, who is interested in engineering?

When I was a student, I went through all the same rote repetitive stuff that kids go through today. And I did lousy in any number of things. The only thing I ever did any good in was English. It's what I love. You need to find out what each student loves. If you want kids to really learn, they've got to love something for that purpose you need to bring in the home based education that includes people a kid loves to listen too and loves flossing their footsteps. Parents, elders and people around them who would become mentors, nurturing them in morals values and manners first. These mentors then take them towards their professional education letting then into the real world.

Like real life, yes! And, like in real life, there is an enormous, enormous bank of knowledge in the community that we can tap into. So, why shouldn't a kid who's interested in mechanical things or engines or technology meet people from the community who do that kind of stuff, and who are excited about what they are doing and where it's going? But at the rate of change, the actual skills that we teach, or that they learn by themselves, about how to use this gizmo or that gizmo, that's going to be obsolete -- who knows? -- in five years or in five minutes.

Alvin tells us about the school he would like to be. What do the classrooms look like? What are the class sizes? What are the hours?

He says, it's open 24 hours a day. Different kids arrive at different times. They don't all come at the same time, like an army. They don't just ring the bells at the same time. They're different kids. They have different potentials. Now, in practice, we're not going to be able to get down to the micro level with all of this, I grant you, but in fact, I would be running a twenty-four-hour school, I would have non-teachers working with teachers in that school, I would have the kids coming and going at different times that make sense for them.

Not like the schools of today, essentially custodial: They're taking care of kids in work hours that are essentially nine to five -- when the whole society was assumed to work. Clearly, that's changing in our society. So should the timing. We're individualizing time; we're personalizing time. We're not having everyone arrive at the same time, leave at the same time. Why should kids arrive at the same time and leave at the same time?

Alvin says, I think that schools have to be completely integrated into the community, to take advantage of the skills in the community. So, there ought to be business offices in the school, from various kinds of business in the community.

That's what a home based education is, it begins at home and then the child is handed over to or I should say taken over by a mentor specializing in the skills of life just the way Narain Shiv Ji used to tell me.

If we are not going to replace the existing education system with the original ways of educating a child we must at least customize and revolutionize the system the way Alvin Toffler suggested.

The role of a teacher must change.  Teaching shouldn't be a lifetime career. It's important for teachers to quit for three or four years and go do something else and come back. They'll come back with better ideas. They'll come back with ideas about how the outside world works, in ways that would not have been available to them if they were in the classroom the whole time.

We must be advocating for fundamental radical changes. 

It's inevitable that there will have to be changes. The only question is whether we're going to do it starting now, or whether we're going to wait for catastrophe.

Here is Alvin Toffler's School of Tomorrow
These are the fundamentals of the futurist's vision for education in the 21st century:

  • Open 24 hours a day
  • Customized educational experience
  • Kids arrive at different times
  • Students begin their formalized schooling at different ages
  • Curriculum is integrated across disciplines
  • Nonteachers work with teachers
  • Teachers alternate working in schools and in business world
  • Local businesses have offices in the schools
  • Increased number of charter schools
But sadly it still lacks the basic values manners and morals. How would our generations learn these basic and essential ingredients of a personality like commitment, loyalty, kindness, dedication and respect? Would there be a school to teach them?

Monday, 19 December 2016


Who were the wise men?  Are you ready for that?  Matthew chapter 2.  All of us have wondered.  I remember when I was a little boy I wondered who those guys were.  How many were there?  

Their names are given as Caspar, Balthazar, and Melchior.”  You’ve probably heard that.  And their three skulls, amazingly enough, are said to have been found.  Yes, they were found “in the twelfth century by Bishop Reinald of Cologne.” The bishop dug those up and knew right off they were skulls.  It’s very clear.  And their eyes were still in the sockets fixed toward Bethlehem.  Today, believe it or not, friends, they are on exhibit in a priceless casket in a great cathedral in Europe.

Now frankly, folks, the only thing we know about these wise men is some history and what is said in Matthew.  We really are very, very limited in terms of specifics.  In addition to what we have here in Matthew which is very limited, it says, “There came wise men from the East.”  That’s it, folks, right there.  We don’t know their names; we don’t know anything from that.  But as we put the pieces together, historically, and we do have some very fascinating history of those wise men.
This is where the story ends. There are no more wise men found in west. Men of God did not actually exist in the west. Never were. Men we call wise men are from the east. It all began in the east and east is still the origin.

The very first leader or the wise man of God is believed to be Abraham who was born in c. 2510 BH (c. 1813 BCE) in Hebron, the West Bank, Al-Sham. Abraham plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham fulfilled all the commandments and trials wherein God nurtured him throughout his lifetime. As a result of his unwavering faith in God, Abraham was promised by God to be a leader to all the nations of the world.

And then after a long line of wise men of God born in the race of Abraham it was Mosses  in c. 1400 BCE . Moses in both the Septuagint and the New Testament is a prophet in Abrahamic religions. According to the Hebrew Bible, he was a former Egyptian prince who later in life became a religious leader and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the Torah, or acquisition of the Torah from Heaven is traditionally attributed. Also called Moshe Rabbenu in Hebrew (מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ, lit. "Moses our Teacher"), he is the most important prophet in Judaism. He is also an important prophet in Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith as well as a number of other faiths.

The time of the earlier prophets (Adam and Noah) is not known accurately. Even though the scholars of the Bible have tried to estimate the time between Adam and Noah and Noah and Abraham on the basis of the information given in the Bible, yet the information and the estimation made on its basis is not very reliable and, therefore, not much can be said about the times and the time intervals between these prophets.

The time of Abraham’s  birth is estimated to be around 1996 B.C. he is estimated to have died at the age of 175. The time of Moses’  birth is estimated at around 1571 BC. If these estimations are correct, then the time between the death of Abraham  and the birth of Moses ) is 250 years. Then it was Gautama Buddha,  Born in 567 BC, Lumbini, Nepal. It is generally held that Moses died at the age of 120 years (around 1451 B.C.). The year of David’s  birth is estimated at around 1085 B.C. This would mean that the time between Moses and David was around 366 years. It is held that David lived for 71 years (died around 1014 B.C.). Jesus was born around 1400 years after David and Muhammad  was born about 530 years after the Christ. All in the east. Egypt, Palestine, West bank and Mecca. 

All these wise men of God were born in the East. Not a single one of them including their saints was born in west. Here we also see Great names like  Shams Tabraizi, 1185, Tabriz, Iran Jalal uddin  Rumi, born in 30 September 1207, Wakhsh or Balkh Khwarezmian. Abū-Muhammad Muslih al-Dīn bin Abdallāh Shīrāzī, better known by his pen-name Saadi, also known as Saadi of Shiraz, 1193, Shiraz, Iran. Bulleh Shah, 1680, Uch, Punjab. Syed Quṭb ad-Dīn Aḥmad Walī Allāh,  February 21, 1703, Delhi.  Syed Ahmed Shaheed, November 29, 1786, Raebareli, India. Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad Qadiyani, 13, 1835, Qadian, India. Hakeem Nooruddin  1841, Bhera Punjab and many more, specially from the old sub continent,there is a long list of these saints all of them from east none of them from the west. 

Theosophists have also often talked, with considerable justification, about the wisdom of the East. The East—particularly Egypt, Palestine, Persia, Indian subcontinent  and China—have indeed produced profoundly wise men. 

Persian wisdom, although less talked about than the others, has been very influential. That wisdom, expressed through the revolutionary religious system of Zoroaster, influenced early Judaism, and through it later Christianity and Islam. 

Wisdom of the East—those of Egypt, Palestine, Persia, Indian sub continent and China—are adapted, each to the culture in which it developed. Yet all of them have important contributions to make to universal human culture. Wisdom is wisdom, whatever its form of expression and emphasis. So the wise in every culture will heed and follow these universal insights into the fundamental nature of reality and of human life.

Theosophists talk less often about the wisdom of the West. Yet Western wisdom also exists. That Western wisdom, which is strongly scientific in one of its phases, is just as true and important as the wisdom of the East. But mostly revolves around the materialistic approach that is also known as worldly knowledge.

The West had two great periods during which it developed what they call wisdom. The first was during the ancient classical age of Greece and Rome, a very rich period in thought and practice, which became the foundation of all Western civilization.  These classical movements, which differ significantly among themselves in some ways, share an emphasis on what in East is called the guru-chela relationship. That is, wisdom is imparted, often intuitively rather than by intellectual discussion, by a wise teacher to an eager learner.

The second great period of Western wisdom was during post-medieval times, when Renaissance Humanism, the Scientific Revolution, and the European Enlightenment developed incrementally as its phases. That post-medieval development, with its three phases, is the essential Western wisdom that has spread around the world and provides the lex or Order to complement Eastern lux or Light. This is actually not true wisdom in it spirit it is the knowledge of the worldly or materialistic  success.

This Western wisdom or worldly knowledge is what they call western tradition, which can benefit humanity in the twenty-first century as the modern Western articulation of Theosophical wisdom, now is of roughly the past half millennium differs from both Eastern wisdom and the earlier classical Western wisdom in several ways. This later Western wisdom, actually mere worldly knowledge is public, focuses on this world, centers upon individual human concerns, and requires personal initiative. If we think of wisdom solely as private, other-worldly, collective in emphasis, or transmitted from teacher to learner, we might be inclined to deny that the modern Western tradition is really “wisdom.”

But strangely due to a huge cultural influx with the modern electronic and print media, amateur  minds tend to incline towards this so called western wisdom. They are required to understand the real meanings and origin of wisdom and the carriers of that wisdom. Out of the box thinking is essentially required to understand this phenomena.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Young people don't buy cars and apartments anymore

According to The Bright Side  , nowadays, the traditional measure of success — owning an apartment and/or a car — is out of date. An increasing number of young people around the world don’t want to buy them.

Research shows that the so-called millennial generation, who are now 30-35 years old, rarely buy houses and even more rarely — cars. In fact, they don’t buy super expensive things at all. In the USA, people under the age of 35 are called ’the generation of renters.’

Why does this happen?
Some sociologists say it’s because modern youngsters suffer from financial crises. That’s why people are afraid of ’serious’ loans.

But it’s not the most important reason. The thing is, the current generation of young people differs from their parents’ generation. They have other values.

The youth today has reconsidered the concept of success, which means:

  • Successful people don’t buy property — they rent.
  • If you want to be considered successful, invest in experiences: travel, do extreme sports, build startups.
The point is that people now don’t want prosperity and stability — all they want is flexible schedules and financial and geographical independence.

People have no interest in material things

Why own a car if you can take a cab? It’s almost a personal car with a driver. And it’s not more expensive than having your own car. Why buy a house in a beautiful place and go there for vacation, if you can find a place to stay through Airbnb in any corner of the planet? You don’t have to overpay for rent or buy a property in a country you love. The same thing with real estate in your hometown:

  • You don’t know how long you’ll stay where you live.
  • You can take on a mortgage for 40 years, or you can accept the fact that you’ll spend your whole life in a rented place.
  • You’ll probably change your job in the next few years. If you rent, nothing prevents you from moving closer to the office.
According to Forbes, modern young people change jobs every three years on average.

The concept of ownership is no longer relevant

James Hamblin, The Atlantic’s columnist, explains the phenomenon as follows: ’Over the past decade, psychologists carried out a great amount of research proving that, in terms of happiness and a sense of well-being, spending money on new experiences is much more profitable than buying new things. It brings more joy.’

Experiences help us make friends

Social interaction between people is crucial to whether they feel happy or not. Talking to others and having a lot of friends makes you a happier person. But would people rather hear about how you spent a year in a wild country or about how many apartments you’ve already bought?

Here’s an extract from Hamblin’s article:

’Turns out people don’t like hearing about other people’s possessions very much, but they do like hearing about that time you saw Vampire Weekend.’

Remember that even a bad experience can become a good story. Material things cannot.

Buying things makes us worry

There’s one more thing. The things we own, especially if they’re very expensive, make us worry about their condition. If you buy a car, you’ll flinch every time someone’s alarm sounds outside. If you buy a house and fill it with expensive items, you’ll be afraid of being robbed. Not to mention the fact that a car can be scratched or break down, and a super expensive TV might break after a year of usage. But no one can ever take away the experiences you have.

Every purchase will go down in price over time

Our parents weren’t able to travel as often as we do. There wasn’t the possibility to have so much fun. They didn’t have so many opportunities to start a new business. Therefore, they invested in houses and cars, and we don’t want to do that. After all, every purchase, if it’s not a house or an apartment, will depreciate over time. And if we think about how quickly real estate depreciates during a crisis, then everything becomes even more obvious.

Experience is the only thing that matters: it won’t go down in price, and no one can steal it.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Misconceptions about Business

Today's businessman  hires people to serve as his employees in other words slaves, to fulfil his own dreams and work according to his idea of business.  To make more and more money. In return, he is only liable to pay them back a meagre amount of cash or some fringe benefits which is no match to what he earns in exchange to the hard work, brains, commitment, loyalty, sincerity and care and the profit being made with all that handwork , commitment , loyalty and care invested by those employees.

Has any of the today's so called business owners ever thought of returning the favour as shares in his business, or paying equally according to the value of that hard work brains loyalty care dedication commitment and care?

Has he ever looked at his employees as his business partners, with an equal share of the turn over?

A business owners demands complete dedication, hard work and all the other above mentioned soft skills as prerequisites form his work force. But when it comes to returning the favour, how much does he return?

Most of these so called business owners don't even bother returning the favour as an appreciation, encouragement, care and respect, equal to what they themselves expect from their employees.

This is not business, this is exploitation. We can not expect a return of equal favour from someone who uses several misleading strategies for the customers too.

Misleading, persuading and pushing them into buying things they don't even need sometimes, or at least   they do not need those things, as much as those things are being advertised or promoted.

Because almost all the companies focus mainly on marketing, advertising and presentation that also includes packaging. This is mostly a lot more than the actual product, its quality and quantity.

The main focus stays on its misleading advertising, marketing and presentation and almost no manufacturer cares even about the fair product quality and its quantity as well as it's after sales service and  customer support, which is most of times not according to what is being claimed and proclaimed in its marketing and advertising campaigns. They still call this marketing, advertising and business development strategy, which is in actual sense just an exploitation and a fraud.

Even if a manufacturer or service provider keeps his promises and his claims that he proclaims in his marketing and advertising campaign, which actually consumes the major part of the manufacturing cost in the name of marketing budget, he spends heck of lot on product presentation and packaging.

The actual or main ingredient in that product costs only 25% to 30% of the total price being charged.

Sometimes a lot lesser than the actual cost that includes the attractive packaging, marketing and advertisement costs that a customer pays happily. Which is in fact completely useless for the customer.

Most of us are unaware of this fact, that we are being forced or fooled to pay for what we see on television news papers and even on flashy billboards and neon signs and packaging of the product we buy.

In addition to all that, a customer is also indirectly paying for all the manufacturing cost, lavish offices and salaries as well as direct taxes imposed on the company which is directly proportional to the size and expenses being made in the name of working environment and facilities.

This poor guy called the consumer. is deceived with all that flashy stuff in  those advertising and marketing campaigns and  that extremely attractive packaging.  Most of the times, he never even notices what he is made to pay for, still liable for all those indirect taxes he still needs to pay as well.

And today's so called " businessman" does not stop here. These innocent looking. low level, almost undetectable frauds called marketing campaigns and business strategies go further  than that, when he uses the same tool called the "media" for making the consumers feel like buying more.

He reached deeper into  the human psychology by investing more. Not only creating subliminal advertising and messages, but also creating TV shows, dramas and  movies that triggers the urge to buy more and get into the race of having more than the others have. Not even that,  but also feel threatened, insecure with that a wave after wave of exciting, upsetting and disturbing news as well as explicit scenarios, information and announcement and the customers are bombarded constantly with those carefully planned streams of misleading information and news with half the truth. They carefully keep this bombardment continuous and loud, making sure no consumer is able to listen to the real thing, real information, real knowledge and wisdom and the real purpose of his existence.

And if this doesn't seem enough an artificial environment is created around the customer. Full of thrill, crime, violence and  insecurity by investing into hate speech specialists, professional arsenals and so called motivational writers and well informed journalists who always keep yelling over the faults, weaknesses, violence and crimes in the name of exposing the "truth" called open wide exposed truth. But only the bitter truth, never a sweet truth or a good one.Never letting the consumer attention divert towards all the beauty, serenity, kindness, goodness and development in the society.

Is there no other truth available to be promoted transmitted and spread around on the media? Other than things like we see on TV, newspapers, social media and most of the printed material available to read including the text books?

This results into a very insecure, weak and cowardly mind sets in a society. Unable to notice the true sense of life. Unable to dream and recognise passion and happiness which is  actually not having what you want, but wanting and cherishing what you already have.

What people, the actual customers are being told subliminally is something opposite from becoming a leader. It is to become a slave worker and surrender their own dreams and work for the capitalists dreams and keep spending on products 3 times more than their actual cost. Keep running after the life styles being shown and projected  repeatedly in the name of those so called success stories of so called successful people on TV shows and movies, exhibiting lavish life styles as subliminal messages of success power and security which in fact always remains out of reach of the poor souls being mentally hijacked by this policy and agenda.

Hijacked so much that they are not left thoughtful enough  with anything to think of as a refuge or destiny and  faith. Their beliefs are transformed into making money and running after the pleasure and leisure of life in the name of freedom and liberalism by indirect subliminal attacks over their actual and pure faith and also on their beliefs by showing them so called reality shows, dramas, movies and lots of additional stuff like that, directly or by subliminal messages against their faith and religious believes to make them hate and rebel form their own faith.

How can we expect this from a so called business man to be generous enough to have a workforce as his business partners with an equal treatment and respect? How can a man portraying and pretending himself as a leader believe in the phenomena of  a true leaderships that says "True Leader is the one who knows that his growth and success is actually is in the growth and success of his team''.

There is the way out. If anyone is willing to think out of the box and try to understand what the word "Business" really means in it's true sense. I am here to explain.