
Saturday 10 October 2015

Thinking out of the box

It is evident from several different believes or Faith that man was created by God out of the dust of the ground or created Man from clay Genesis 2:7. Scientists believe that we may have had our beginnings in clay as the Bible, the Quran and even Greek mythology has suggested for thousands of years that life began as earth, dust or clay.
New theory is that clay is a breeding ground for chemicals which it 'absorbs like a sponge' and eventually leads to proteins and DNA forming 
In my understanding the divine wisdom is the ultimate and absolute and it requires us a gradual step by step spiritual upbringing to understand the real meanings behind it. This understanding is known as consciousness and just like we need to join an elementary school before going to a high school and then a college or a university we need to attain elementary spiritual knowledge of faith by joining the elementary level and then to the superiors and then to the supreme level.

This also requires us the association of people nearer to the absolute divine wisdom to guide us through it's true sense reading their books or listening to their words gradually lifts our souls towards the consciousness awareness and illumination and competency to translate real meanings behind divine wisdom.

Coming back to the topic that Man was created out of clay actually has deeper symbolic meanings an allegorical term of description from the divine wisdom. As we know clay has the properties of shaping into any form a very unique ability of formation and deformation into several different shapes. God has made humans just like that. They grow, they learn, they update and they change. It is in our nature to absorb, observe and learn from our surroundings and evaluate. As a result it becomes a part of our personality or our nature and each time we utilize our input devices called five senses we gain knowledge and experience that quietly becomes a part of our personality, leaving its effects and imprints on our character.

But this needs passing of the information though our conscious and then into the subconscious where it becomes a memory which helps us recognize things people and places in the later experiences. It is also proven that if some kind of information is recognized to be worth letting into the subconscious mind it becomes a part or our memory and in later days we act according to these memory stack. This is why modern advertising uses the same principal. Creating advertising and marketing materiel catchy for human brain so that it gets into our subconscious. for this purpose the advertising industry, a prominent and powerful industry, engages in deceptive subliminal advertising, which most us are unaware of. It is also proven that when an information is repeated 9 times to the conscious brain it slips into the subconscious and when this happens 27 times more i.e. 9x3=27 times, humans start acting according to the information. This why we always shop, or buy things that we have been seeing in TV commercial or any printed form of advertisement only. We usually don't buy things new to us or if we haven't seen a TV commercial and any other advertisement for that thing in market.

This is how our tendency and personality molds and changes shapes. We tend to absorb information from our 5 senses since the early childhood and memory stacks keep on building, depending on these stack we spend our lives and shape our future it even becomes our faith. If I am powerful enough to control the information highway and you are bombarded with the same kind of information through visuals effects, sound effects and reading materiel that ultimately guides you to act according to my desires and I do it so much and so loud that you are literally unable to see listen and notice things against my desires. I can control your mind this way and I sell you what I want and I can make you what I want you to be and for this purpose, I will have to own the electronic media, press and all the information providing tolls.

These memory stack become so powerful and overwhelming sometimes that they become our rules and then faith. Just take a look at this example, lets say you have a bed side table placed in your bedroom from a long time you are used to see it all the time from a long time and you know its there and you are so habitual of its presence that even in the night without turning on the lights you avoid bumping into it small bedside table without even being being able to see it. One day, keeping you totally unaware if I carefully replace your bedside table with something else, using same table cover to cover it and hiding the other thing under it I inform you that your table is gone. There is a high probability that you would not believe and you might insist upon telling me and you may even be ready to fight that the table is there and I cant see it. You are so sure, its your house your room, how can I know that the table is not there. Until I uncover it and let you see it with your own eyes.

We are not ready to go against what our minds tell us from the memory stacks, sometimes. It is a saying of very very wise man that it is enough to declare you a liar when you pass on an information to someone without analyzing and comparing it from other reliable sources. We, in these days depend so much on modern days information tools that we don't even bother comparing information from other counter media.

We resist change, we are scared of knowing something against our tendencies. But we forget that we were made to grow, update, mold and develop. If we refuse to do that, do we ever think for a second that we are not being humans anymore?

One of the biggest obstacle these days is modern day subliminal advertising. It is is not only in the form of TV commercials, it is in the form of arts, movies music even news and TV talk shows. In which we are encouraged to feel frustrated, excited and horrified makes us feel like acquiring more stuff to feel secure and satisfied. But if we do the, in the end we remain the same frustrated insecure souls not able to think and realize or understand that serenity comes from within. It is from the soul and the soul requires spiritual food, spiritual knowledge and wisdom and getting closer to divine wisdom that brings us consciousness and illumination. It looks like we are getting satisfaction from the worldly things in start, but actually it increases frustration,  thirst for more.