It is said that, “If you
Fail to Plan, you plan to Fail". We are always planning, intentionally or
unintentionally we have the tendency to plan. But where does the thin border
line between planning and scheming starts? Where we are not supposed to be planning?
Planning too much spoils
the naturalness and the essence of happiness. The true feeling of fun when we
plan to celebrate our happiness in future, when we are free enough or
comfortable enough to celebrate.
This is
like insurance scheme or policy. I never agreed with the
idea all my life. You can’t plan a future that you don't know about.
The future, that is never in your hand. What if your wife
or children die before you die? What is the use of that huge plan and a
big amount of insurance policy? It’s like trying to
interfere with divine intentions. It’s trying to be there when for
them even after death.
Sounds really touchy and
romantic but we are just human beings. It is just like we are part of a huge play,
or film, playing our parts as someone's son, daughter father, mother
husband, brother sister a friend or even a lover in that movie. But
when the shooting ends, no one leaves an insurance policy for
his relations in those movies. It is stupid.
All I mean to say here
is that play your part according to
the requirement, don't over indulge, don't let your
emotions your feelings overwhelm you and make you cross the line between a
human and God. Leave God's things to God.
I love spontaneity naturalness
and I prefer that on stupid plans. We can only plan where we are sure. When we
have enough knowledge and understanding that allows us to adjust our
goals and re adjust and we are not interfering with divine intentions.