
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Throwing Out

A thought came into my mind a few days back when I was at the dentist. I had the most terrible pain in my tooth last night that kept me awake through out the night, almost.

It is said that the only treatment for toothache is to remove the tooth. That's what the Doctor advised me to do. This is what everyone else says in this case.

Does this mean every painful thing in your life is liable to be thrown out or plucked out if you wish to have serenity in your life?

Yeah, I think its a good Idea to be bold and courageous enough to take a step like that. 

But what about those aching relations? almost everyone of us keeps on living with those aching relations for years and years never even thinking about throwing them out of their lives giving excuses to themselves and others for keeping them intact.

My tooth has been with me longer than many other things and relations I am keeping from a few years.  These relations are a lot painful than just one night of this terrible pain and agony I faced dues to this infectious tooth.

You know the irony here is, that I got rid of this terrible pain with the medicine advised by the dentist, but there is no cure invented for the aching relations. I wish we can cure this pain too with a magic pill.

The fact is, that in my kind of lifestyle, I am unable to throw away even the most useless looking belongings in my life.

I keep my old torn clothes, shoes, pens, broken fixtures of my house even a worthless piece of paper for years unable to get rid of them. I once had to sell the motorcycle, that I bought a few years back and kept it like something related to me like a living being a human, just  like everything else I keep that's related to me and when I sold my motorcycle,  I was unable to sleep for many nights to come.  I still feel the pang for separating from my motorcycle. Its funny, but I do feel that way.

Then how can I get separated from my tooth, that's been a part of me from years and years? I can not do that,  its not possible in my kind of lifestyle.

When I am keeping many unbearable painful things and people in my life and still giving myself excuses for keeping them,  why cant I keep something that has been a part myself?